No Man’s Land!

I was reading about cross border land disputes. As troubling it is to read all this, as terrific it is to see it from a wider, more spiritual point of view. Matters like these ascertain how limited and parochial our minds are unless we try otherwise. 

We, as humans & nations are trapped in labyrinth of power, hunger, prestige, claiming lands and swelling territories. We are ready to give-take lives & declare wars for the same. But ironically, the ‘object’ for which we are brave enough to take up so much danger for, is unmoved. Nature has subtle stillness in it. Its always in the meditative state. Never wrong, never trying; purely effortless. Neither the mountains & rivers nor the land we claim to be ours is actually ours, it is borrowed from the Mother Earth herself. It’s unfortunate that we think otherwise.

Whole world is ‘No man’s Land’ in reality claimed only by nature in its pure, boundless, nameless, tag less identity. Whole world can overturn in a second, rivers can change their course & mountains can slide. I wonder where the contracts agreed upon by mere ‘mortals’ will go? 

That said, In cases like these if I was empowered to ‘take decision’, I’d have left it to the inhabitants of those places, entirely, because it’s them who are ‘made to believe’ they are gullible to even think for themselves but they are the ones who bear it all and countries should accept this peacefully but that’ll be utopia and thus, impossible. All we can do is respect the soldiers protecting territorial integrity with all their might for the sake of greater good and eventual peace. We can never repay the debt we owe to these brave men at the borders and their families for letting them go and fiercely protect their homeland.

Jai Hind!



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