Where God Resides

How do you express your gratitude?


I have not been very active this year because of academic commitments but as the year went by, the guilt of banishing my first love – writing – to a corner started engulfing me. I’ve been witnessing these prompts and answers for a while now but wanted to start this daily practice from something I love & believe in.

What better word than Gratitude to start with?

My posts are generally long form and each one of them ends or even flows in gratitude. All the stories I have inside me spring forth as my expression of gratitude. It is the only state I know. I’ve had my set of valleys where I fell and mountains which I climbed but with overwhelming gratitude in my heart for the hardships and the lessons they entailed, I’ve always emerged victorious. It is what I wish for everyone who reads this as well. Expressing gratitude isn’t an event for a blue moon but a continuation. An eternal state to be in. A state of complete surrender to the grand scheme of things which we are privileged to witness. Little acts of compassion, a good word, keeping your body, mind and spirit healthy are all manifestations of gratitude.

A thankful heart is where God resides.



🎵: Today’s strings attached! Enjoy and ponder what makes you a storyteller & just be grateful for it. Your story matters.

Copyright © Primusing