My First Tryst With Ethereal Love

Can you share a positive example of when you’ve felt loved?

It’s my first time talking about this on the blog so it feels a little absurd but back in 2016, I was an atheist & felt as if no one understood me, let alone care for me. Inspired by an Instagram story of a stranger, I started meditating and synchronicities started happening right after that first session of meditation. It was new for me. After a couple of days, I had a dream and saw billions of pairs of eyes in a purple sky while I sat on a bed underneath it, crying inconsolably.

I heard, “We are your ancestors! We are always with you! We love you! Please don’t cry like this everyday!”


In Their Image by Caitlin Connolly


Since then, there’s been no looking back. I’m grateful to my ancestors from all lifetimes, realities, planets and universes for being there for me. I am an extension of you. I love you. Thank you for embracing me right when I needed the most. I wish the stranger – whose one simple story pushed me to find my home inside me – all the very best. May he meet the limits of his truest longings. Not a day goes by without thanking God for making me see that one Instagram story for I wouldn’t have been able to marvel at the wonder this life is. And to everyone else in the world who is suffering & needs a word of hope – This too shall pass, trust me!

Lastly, I used to hesitate from writing about my metaphysical experiences & probably will not share anything unless ‘called to’ but I did share whatever felt right in this post : What I Talk About When I Talk About MAGIC!



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