What gives you direction in life?

By: Yours Truly at Rishikesh


It took me a million years to learn, unlearn, and relearn the art of complete surrender and being in the flow. To float like a drop on the ocean or a river to the sea, knowing that the ocean and I aren’t different. Nothing in my life goes according to my plans, not even minutely, so I’ve stopped making them altogether. Instead, I strive to perfect residing in my inner stillness, which helps me recognize the course my human life is taking. Then, it becomes easy to witness it while going through it because everything that happens comes as a surprise and is met with no resistance. Life becomes more enriched since every moment entices me.

As transformative and courageous as it sounds, it comes from a place of faith that when I have no specific direction in mind, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m directionless. Rather, it is about having an infinite number of potential directions and possibilities to chart & explore, just like the moment right before our universe, pregnant with multitudes of possibilities, was born from Shunya, ‘0’ – the womb with multitudes of possibilities. And while I float in the no-thingness between one destination and another, I realize time and again that the journey is the point of it all and every step I take is a sacred destination. We come from no-thing and we are going towards no-thing, so why should we worry about what’s happening in between? All paths lead home, provided we take the path of least resistance, the path of finding destination even in the apparent no-thing for just being alive is a miracle enough & every moment we spend breathing is something to be grateful for.

Right now, I’m in Haridwar – the home of the Holy Ganges – and I can’t help but marvel at her grace, begging her for a boon to help me embody her ceaseless flow and brilliant effortlessness in my thoughts and actions. This is the place where I’ve felt closest to the divine, like millions of others who take a pilgrimage here to secure a seat on a flight to moksha. She has no fixed direction and gushes past the profane proclivities of the world. May we all be like her. May we all be like water. May we all stop finding directions and switch on the inner GPS to realize that we never lost direction in the first place. Everything is happening as it is supposed to.



Copyright ©️ Primusing

Recommended reading :

Be Water, My Friend: The Teachings of Bruce Lee by Shannon Lee

Strings attached:

Like a River By Jahnavi Harrison on mother Ganga


Do mirror work for a couple of weeks. Stare at it for a while until insights start coming from no-thing that is you.

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