Vibe Check 1,2,3..

Be THIS but also THAT. Know where to draw the line. Besides, before being grand enough for anyone else to find a safe space in, spare some kindness and generosity for yourself. Know that you always have the power to change but before that, you will have to come into radical acceptance of who you … Continue reading Vibe Check 1,2,3..

Journeying, Not Strolling!

If humans had taglines, what would yours be? Journeying to the sun & every place in between or so I feel. This picture was taken at Crail in Scotland. § Such an interesting prompt which made me think. And if there’s anything I am as a soul, it’s a ‘traveller’, even if I stay put … Continue reading Journeying, Not Strolling!

Gitanjali in Brushstrokes – 103 Paintings as Offerings to The Song Offerings

Rabindranath Tagore § Poet, philosopher, and musician Rabindranath Tagore was a polymath who broke through artistic barriers to become the first non-European Nobel winner in literature. Words cannot express the depth of his influence on world literature or the ethereal quality of his contributions to humanity. At least not with my limited vocabulary and pretentious … Continue reading Gitanjali in Brushstrokes – 103 Paintings as Offerings to The Song Offerings